Wednesday, October 7, 2009


hye there...wassup? how was ur life ? hrp2 best la...
apa yg blh aku katakan dlm 2-3 mggu ni aku sgt2 la bz...sgt2 sibuk smpai aku xde time utk relax. it's like there is no space to breath. so ari aku post entry ni,mmg aku nk relax2 sepuas hati la. suma ada 1 kls je pg td,tu pn sejam je.

bila tiba kesibukan mcm ni la baru aku sedar itulah tanggungjawab yg perlu aku pikul trhadap title yg aku pegang skg ni. now,i'm a student. so responsibilites aku trhadap title yg aku pegang itu ialah:
  • belajar
  • siapkan assignment
  • go for tests,quiz,exam...etc
  • jg nama institusi
  • capai impian mak abah
  • make them proud
  • work in group
  • etc....etc...etc..

responsibility means " a duty to be in charge of someone or something,so that u make decisions and can be blamed if something bad happens. it also means something that you must do as part of ur job or duty"

so,the point is...kalo stakat listing above tu aku da blh tension,apatah lg bla aku dah keja n berkahwin. btl x???

aku sedar smua benda yg merunsingkan aku sebenarnya berada dlm minda aku sendiri. we know how we should deal with ourself. it is how we manage it. it means how we:
  • plan,
  • organize,
  • lead, and
  • control
this is how i motivate myself. realizing what i should do in life,how am i going to deal with it and how am i going to make decisions...someone says that "u take charge of your own life..."

ada byk benda nak dikongsi actually tp aku ni mls nak express it in here cuz trlalu byk benda dlm my luvly brain ni smpai xtau mna satu should come first. seronok tau dpt menzahirkan apa yg terbuku dlm hati kita. sometimes,kwn2 x mampu nak mendengar kita bercerita dari A to Z,rite??? diorg pn ada prob sndri instead of listening to our story. i guess this is one way that i can show and describe what i feel...just imagine that u r alone and nobody wants to be with least,kita takkan rasa kita ni x ada tempat nk meluahkan perasaan.

hmmm,ckup la tu utk mse skg,nati aku tulis lg la...ngantok plak...c ya later...
